Organic farming principles are applied in the orchard. From manure, manure, compost and sludge are used, and from plant protection products, copper, sulfur, acid clays, pheromones and other preparations that are on the list of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Ayurvedic principles of cultivation are also applied, the land is not cultivated, it is used compost tea and compost. According to Vedic agriculture, the soil is not processed, as this does not disturb the microflora The mushrooms create a net in the soil and connect all the plants among themselves. They work like brain, remember what happened last year and why it should be prepared next year. By treating the land we are tearing these links and destroying land intelligence. All organisms in the soil have their role in the balance of natural processes and therefore it is important do not process it and do not disturb that harmony.
My dog is also in the orchard, Sharika, who is a real smart, poses for me when I take photos and guards the orchard. She allows the rabbits to eat apples because they keep her company. And there are birds and various insects.